Latest News, exhibitions and festival screenings

From Animations

EcoFilm Mexico

Broken Horizon is officially selected for the 6th edition of EcoFilm in Mexico city!

Also Sweet Mysterious will be shown by it´s guest country the Republic of Korea and Seoul Green Film Festival!




ECOFILM makes its Sixth Edition. Conservation and Sustainability The topic is chosen from a statement: Man is part of nature and is only part of the global ecosystem. Its development must be based on the balance, so that the systems of production and consumption and emissions of waste should find sustainable virtuous cycles. The country and the festival guests for this edition is the Republic of Korea and Seoul Green Film Festival.

Rett Ned goes BIFF !

I am very Happy to announce that my animation Rett Ned has been selected for Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF), Bergen Norway !

It will be screened at 24. September 2016. And I will be there to give a small talk!


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Portsmouth Film Festival


Sweet Mysterious is nominated for the Best Non-Narrative Animation at the Portsmouth Filmfestival UK !!!

Screenings are from 22 – 25 september 2016 in Portsmouth United Kingdom.

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